Configure timeouts and notifications

You can configure timeouts and notifications for your Scheduled Tasks and change the run policy, which alters how the pipeline is invoked.


To prevent Scheduled Task executions from running indefinitely, you can set a timeout duration. This is especially useful for tasks that occur frequently over a short time period.

  • Setting a Timeout: Enter the maximum number of minutes a pipeline is allowed to run in the Timeout field. The task stops executing after the specified timeout is reached. The minimum duration is one minute.
  • No Timeout: If you leave the field empty, the timeout is set to zero, meaning there is no timeout.


You can set up email notifications based on the status of Scheduled Tasks. If your organization supports Slack notifications, you can also add Slack channels or recipients.

Adding recipients for Task notifications:

  1. Email notifications: Enter each recipient's email address, separated by commas, in the Notifications field.
  2. Slack notifications: If Slack notifications are configured for your organization, the following fields support dropdown lists with your Slack channels and users. You can also type to invoke suggested recipients:
    • Direct Message(s): Select Slack recipients from the dropdown list.
    • Channels: Select Slack channels as recipients from the dropdown list.

Selecting status events for notifications:

Choose the status event from the When Task has selector:

  • Started: The task is activated.
  • Completed: The task is completed.
  • Failed: The associated pipeline did not execute.
  • Not Started: The task failed to start, and the associated pipeline did not execute.
  • Stopped: The associated pipeline has stopped abruptly, and the task is no longer running.
  • Suspended: For resumable pipelines that enter a suspended state.

Recipients receive notifications based on the selections in the When Task has field.

Change the Run Policy

When creating a Scheduled Task, the default run policy is Scheduled.

Run Policy

If you change the run policy to Triggered or Ultra, the underlying task type is modified. In such cases, you need to re-configure the task.