Migrate a project to another Environment/Org

POST /project/migrate/{project_path}


This API migrates a SnapLogic Project from one Environment/Org to another.

If the destination project does not exist, it will be created.


  • Read access to the source project
  • Write access to the target Environment/Org


 POST https://{controlplane_path}/api/1/rest/public/project/migrate/{project_path}

Path parameters

Key Description
controlplane_path Required. The path to the SnapLogic control plane: elastic.snaplogic.com
For the UAT or EMEA control plane, substitute the name for elastic. For example:
  • uat.snaplogic.com
  • emea.snaplogic.com
Required. The path of the source SnapLogic project.

Format: /{env_org}/{project_space}/{project_name}

Important: The path comparison is case-sensitive.

Query parameters


Request header

In the request header, specify Basic for authorization, add your credentials, and specify application/json for content type:

Authorization: Basic {your_encoded_security_credentials}
Content-Type: application/json

Request body

  "dest_path" : "...",
  "asset_types" : [ ... ],
  "duplicate_check" : true,
  "async" : true
Key Type Description
dest_path string Required. The path to the destination Project.
asset_types array The list of asset types to migrate.
Valid values:
  • Account
  • File
  • Job (task)
  • Pipeline
  • Policy
If you are migrating or copying accounts or policies to a different Environment/Org,
  • The source Environment/Org must recognize the destination Environment/Org as a Trusted Environment/Org.
  • The destination Environment/Org must have at least the same security level as the source Environment/Org.
Learn how to add a trusted Environment/Org.
duplicate_check Boolean

If true, throws an exception if a project with the same name already exists at the destination path.

If false, overwrites any existing project with the same name at the destination path.

Default: true

async Boolean If true, the migration is done asynchronously.

A response is immediately returned with status_token and status_url, which you can use to check on the status of the migration (Started, Completed, or Failed).

Default: true


Status code only.


Project Migration Guidelines

  • The first migration to the destination Environment/Org creates a new Project if there is no conflict. However, the existing Project is overwritten if there is a conflict.
  • When you include previously migrated accounts and Tasks in subsequent migrations, the API overwrites any changes that you may have manually made to the assets after the initial migration.
  • If the account name is changed after the migration, you must update all references to that account in the Pipelines.
  • Every time you migrate a Project, SnapLogic retains existing associations between Pipelines and Tasks if the associated Tasks are included in the migration.