ServiceNow to Azure Synapse mapping

AutoSync maps ServiceNow object types to the following Azure Synapse column types:

ServiceNow object type Azure Synapse column type
audio varchar
basic image varchar
choice varchar
collection varchar
color varchar
condition string varchar
conditions varchar
currency decimal
data structure varchar
date date
date/time datetime
decimal decimal
document id varchar
domain id varchar
domain path varchar
due date varchar
duration decimal
encrypted text varchar
field name varchar
file attachment varchar
floating point number float
fx currency decimal
html varchar
icon varchar
image varchar
integer int
ip address varchar
journal varchar
journal input varchar
journal list varchar
list varchar
long bigint
name-value pairs varchar
password (1 way encrypted) varchar
password (2 way encrypted) varchar
percent complete decimal
phone number (e164) varchar
price decimal
reference varchar
script varchar
script (plain) varchar
slush bucket varchar
string varchar
string (full utf-8) nvarchar
suggestion varchar
sys id (guid) varchar
table name varchar
template value varchar
time time
translated html varchar
translated text varchar
true/false bit
user roles varchar
url varchar
video varchar
wiki varchar
workflow varchar