
The Sample Snap is a Flow-type Snap that enables you to generate a sample dataset from the input dataset.


The Sample Snap is a Flow type Snap that enables you to generate a sample dataset from the input dataset. This sampling is carried out based on one of the following algorithms and with a predefined pass through percentage. The algorithms available are:

  • Linear Split
  • Streamable Sampling
  • Strict Sampling
  • Stratified Sampling
  • Weighted Stratified Sampling

These algorithms are explained in the Snap Settings section below.

A random seed can also be provided to generate the same sample set for a given seed value. You can also optimize the Snap's usage of node memory by configuring the maximum memory in percentage that the Snap can use to buffer the input dataset. If the memory utilization is exceeded, the Snap writes the dataset into a temporary local file. This helps you avoid timeout errors when executing the pipeline.

Sample Overview

  • Flow-type Snap
  • Works in Ultra Tasks only when Streamable Sampling is selected as the sampling algorithm.


  • A basic understanding of the sampling algorithms supported by the Snap is preferable.

Limitations and known issues


Snap views

View Description Examples of upstream and downstream Snaps
Input This Snap has exactly one document input view. The input document from which the sample dataset is to be generated. The Snap accepts both numeric and categorical data; the stratified sampling and weighted stratified sampling algorithms require datasets containing categorical fields.
Output This Snap has at most two document output views:
  1. Document output containing the sample dataset.
  2. Document output containing the dataset that is not present in the first output.

Error handling is a generic way to handle errors without losing data or failing the Snap execution. You can handle the errors that the Snap might encounter when running the pipeline by choosing one of the following options from the When errors occur list under the Views tab. The available options are:

  • Stop Pipeline Execution Stops the current pipeline execution when an error occurs.
  • Discard Error Data and Continue Ignores the error, discards that record, and continues with the remaining records.
  • Route Error Data to Error View Routes the error data to an error view without stopping the Snap execution.

Learn more about Error handling in Pipelines.

Snap settings

  • Expression icon (): JavaScript syntax to access SnapLogic Expressions to set field values dynamically (if enabled). If disabled, you can provide a static value. Learn more.
  • SnapGPT (): Generates SnapLogic Expressions based on natural language using SnapGPT. Learn more.
  • Suggestion icon (): Populates a list of values dynamically based on your Account configuration.
  • Upload : Uploads files. Learn more.
Learn more about the icons in the Snap settings dialog.
Field / field set Type Description
Label String

Required. Specify a unique name for the Snap. Modify this to be more appropriate, especially if more than one of the same Snaps is in the pipeline.

Default value: Sample

Example: Sampling
Pass through percentage String/Expression

Required. The number of records, as a percentage, that are to be passed through to the output. This value is treated differently based on the algorithm selected.

Default value: 0.5


The number of records output by the Snap is determined by the pass through percentage as well as the total number of records present. If there are 100 records and the pass through percentage is 0.5 then 50 records are expected to be passed through. If there are 103 records and the pass through percentage is 0.5 then only 51 records are expected to be passed through. This varies further if the algorithm is stratified or weighted stratified, in those cases, the number of records per class is also factored.

Algorithm Dropdown list

Required. . The sampling algorithm to be used. Choose from one of the following options in the drop-down menu:

  • Linear Split: Use this to partition a dataset. TheSnap firstbuffers the dataset and then splits the dataset based on the value you enter in Pass through Percentage. For example, if you specify the pass-through percentage as 0.7, then the first output view contains the first 70% documents, while the second output contains the remaining 30%.
  • Streamable Sampling: Use this inUltrapipelines. The Snap passes records based on the probability defined in the Pass-through percentage property. With a pass-through percentage of 50 (0.5 in the Pass-through percentage property), the Snap passes each record with a probability of 50%.In doing so, the record count in the sample is notalways guaranteed to be 50% of the input dataset.
  • Strict Sampling: The Snap extracts a sample datasetexactly based onthe pass through percentage.
  • Stratified Sampling: Use this to generate a sample dataset containing the same number of records for each class.The output documents are expected to contain the same number of documents from each class specified in the Stratified field property. This helps reduce the problem of unbalanced dataset by down-sampling the majority classes while keeping most of the minority classes.
  • Weighted Stratified Sampling: If the pass-through percentage is 0.5, then 50% of documents are passed through. Moreover, the original ratio of the number of documents in each class specified in the Stratified field is preserved.

Default value: Streamable Sampling

If Stratified Sampling or Weighted Stratified Sampling is selected, the Stratified field property must also be configured.

Stratified field String/Expression/Suggestion

The field in the dataset containing classification information pertaining to the data. Select the field that is to be treated as the stratified field and the sampling is done based on this field.

Default value: None

Example: Consider an employee record dataset containing fields such as Name, ID, Position, and Location. The fields Position, and Location help you classify the data, so the input in this property for this case is$Positionor$Location.

Use random seed Checkbox

If selected, the value specified in the Random seed field is applied to the randomizer in order to get reproducible results.

Default status: Selected

Random seed String/Expression Required. if the Use random seed property is selected. Number used as static seed for the randomizer.

Default value: 12345

The result is different if the values specified in Maximum memory % or the JCC memory are different.

Maximum memory % String/Expression Required. The maximum portion of the node's memory, as a percentage, that can be utilized to buffer the incoming dataset. If this percentage is exceeded then the dataset is written to a temporary local file and then the sample generated from this temporary file. This configuration is useful in handling large datasets without over-utilization of the node memory. The minimum default memory to be used by the Snap is set at 100 MB.

Default value: 10

Snap execution Dropdown list
Select one of the three modes in which the Snap executes. Available options are:
  • Validate & Execute: Performs limited execution of the Snap and generates a data preview during pipeline validation. Subsequently, performs full execution of the Snap (unlimited records) during pipeline runtime.
  • Execute only: Performs full execution of the Snap during pipeline execution without generating preview data.
  • Disabled: Disables the Snap and all Snaps that are downstream from it.

Default value: Execute only

Example: Validate & execute

Temporary files

During execution, data processing on Snaplex nodes occurs principally in-memory as streaming and is unencrypted. When processing larger datasets that exceed the available compute memory, the Snap writes unencrypted pipeline data to local storage to optimize the performance. These temporary files are deleted when the pipeline execution completes. You can configure the temporary data's location in the Global properties table of the Snaplex node properties, which can also help avoid pipeline errors because of the unavailability of space. Learn more about Temporary Folder in Configuration Options.