

A SnapLogic asset that contains the credentials, connection parameters, and configuration necessary to connect to a data source or destination. The AutoSync equivalent of Account assets are credentials. In the IIP, you can create Account assets in Designer, Manager, or AutoSync Manager.

Admin Manager

An interface for administrators who manage an environment (formerly an Org).

Alternate URL

A URL that can be used to trigger a task to run on a Groundplex without making a request outside the local network.

API consumer

The API consumer user might have a SnapLogic account, but is primarily interested in consuming APIs that are managed through the SnapLogic API Gateway. These users interface with the Developer Portal.

API meter

A tool in SnapLogic Manager that provides information on the API limits and usage reports for your environment (Org).


Any resource that can be created by a SnapLogic user and is tracked in Classic Manager. Examples include accounts, accounts, files, tasks, pipelines, Snap Packs, Snaplexes, and tables. In Classic Manager, you can search for assets and, depending on the type, view the details, statistics, or activity logs.

AutoSync user group

A group created by an Org admin in AutoSync Manager or by an Environment admin in Admin Manager. Members of the group can share data pipelines, endpoint credentials, and account assets.

Binary data

A file that contains data in binary format and a header that contains the metadata for the binary content.


The area in SnapLogic Designer where you can design, render, validate, and execute integration Pipelines.

Categorical dataset

Data points that represent characteristics, groups, or categories. The data might be numeric. For example, Gender and Marital Status.

CC user

CC user is a SnapLogic system user, such as, which is automatically created for use by Snaplexes for registering with the SnapLogic control plane.


A Snaplex that runs inside the SnapLogic Cloud. A Cloudplex is managed by SnapLogic.


Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science, clustering involves grouping a set of objects in a way that objects in a group are more similar to each other than objects in other groups.

Community forum

SnapLogic Integration Nation.

Control plane

The back-end management mechanism for the SnapLogic IIP. The control plane runs in the cloud as a multi-tenant service, stores pipeline definitions and metadata information, and manages triggered and scheduled pipeline executions.


In AutoSync, the information necessary to connect to an endpoint. In addition to a user name and password, this can include values such as a hostname and a port number.


Customer Success Manager. Your SnapLogic advocate.

Data catalog

A collection of relational tables that stores database metadata and allows you to query and update attributes in the relational tables in the SnapLogic platform.

Data pipeline

An AutoSync asset that loads and synchronizes data from a source to a destination, for example, a Cloud Data Warehouse (CDW). Create and view AutoSync data pipelines from the Monitor Data pipelines page.

Data plane

Snaplexes, the data processing engines that execute pipelines make up the data plane. Snaplexes hosted and managed by SnapLogic are Cloudplexes and those deployed and managed by customers are Groundplexes.

Data preview

A sample display of the data passing through the pipeline per Snap in two views: tabular and visual. If data validation is enabled in your environment (Org), you can access the data preview by clicking on green Snap connectors with a document icon.

Data visualization

A feature of pipeline data preview that enables you to view sample data in a variety of charts. If data validation is enabled in your Environment, you can generate pie, line, bar, and scatter charts from the DataViz control.

Disabled Snap

A Snap that doesn't execute or validate. You can use disabled Snaps when building and testing pipelines. All Snaps downstream from a disabled Snap don't execute or validate.

Downstream Snap

A Snap that takes input from another Snap. The Snap that provides output to a downstream Snap is the upstream Snap.


A secure tenant provisioned by SnapLogic and used by a customer to transform and integrate data. Customers can have multiple environments for different stages of development, such as testing and production. Environment admins control environment settings and manage users, roles, and groups. Previously called an Org.

Environment admin

Environment admins control settings and manage users, roles, and groups for a specific environment. Also called an Org admin

Execute pipeline

An operation that fully executes a pipeline, including child pipelines. This mode of execution typically ingests or loads to endpoints.


Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science, Feature is a measurement of the data point. For example, height, width, mean, mode.

FeedMaster node

A FeedMaster is a Snaplex service that runs on a Linux or a Windows server. A FeedMaster acts as the interface between clients and the JCC service that executes Ultra Tasks. Learn how to deploy a FeedMaster Node.

Field Snap Pack

A collection of private Snap Packs built by SnapLogic to meet specific use cases of customers. Field Snap Packs might not be visible in the Snap catalog, might not be documented, usually are not tested by QA, and are not supported/maintained by our Development team.


A Snaplex that runs behind a firewall, is managed by you as a SnapLogic customer, and provides on-premises connectivity to your endpoints.

Health Dashboard

A tab in SnapLogic Dashboard that lets you monitor the health of your Snaplexes and pipelines.


The SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform. A secure, multi-tenant application for creating and deploying pipelines to transform and integrate data. The IIP includes Manager for use by administrators, Designer for use by pipeline developers, Dashboard for monitoring and troubleshooting, and APIM Manager for creating and publishing APIs.


The Snap dialog to configure Snap settings. Infoboxes typically have tabs for Settings, Views, Info, and Accounts settings..


A page in Monitor that displays an overview of environment use.

Integration Assistant

A SnapLogic suggestion engine that recommends Snaps to use in a pipeline. The recommendation is based on the pattern of upstream and downstream Snaps and historical frequency.

JCC node

(Java Component Container) The Snaplex service. A single Snaplex can have one or more JCC services, each running on a physical or virtual machine. JCC nodes are part of the data plane and handle pipeline executions.

k-fold cross validation

Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science Snaps, k-fold cross validation is a statistical method used to estimate the performance of machine learning algorithms. The dataset is separated into k equal-sized chunks and the model is trained on k-1 chunks and evaluated on the last chunk. This process is repeated k-times so that every data point has a chance to be in the test chunk once. For example, you could break the dataset into 10 chunks and train the model on 9 of the 10 chunks and evaluate the updated model on the tenth chunk. You could repeat this process 10 times using each chunk until each data chunk has been used to evaluate–and train–the updated model.

Key passphrase

A word or phrase that protects private key files from unauthorized users encrypting or decrypting the private keys.

Latest Snaps

The newest patch release of a Snap or Snap Pack, which is based on the prior GA release. In Admin Manager, you can select Latest or Stable in the Snap Packs screen. The setting applies to all Snap Packs in the Environment. For example, you might configure an Environment for developers to always have the latest Snaps to test new features. For a production Environment, you might choose stable Snaps to ensure everything works as expected.


Applicable to Ultra Tasks, the maximum number of documents that can be processed by an instance at a given time.


(Statistical Model) Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science Snaps, a model is a mathematical formula that has been generated by a machine learning algorithm based on the dataset. The model can be stored and used to give a prediction for the data in the future.

Numerical dataset

A dataset whose data points represent mathematical values. For example, height, weight, age.


A secure tenant provisioned by SnapLogic and used by a customer to transform and integrate data. Customers can have multiple environments for different stages of development, such as testing and production. An Org admin provisions users and manages groups, permissions, and other settings from the IIP Manager. The August 2023 release introduces Admin Manager, an updated interface available from the application menu. In Admin Manager, Orgs are called Environments and Org admins are called Environment admins.

Org Admin

(Organization Administrator) An administrator for an Org. In addition to Org settings, an Org admin manages users and groups and can create Project spaces projects. The August 2023 release introduces Admin Manager, an updated interface available from the application menu. In Admin Manager, Orgs are called Environments and Org admins are called Environment admins.


A reusable template for creating pipelines, typically to address common use cases. SnapLogic provides a variety of patterns in the Public Pattern Library available from the Apps menu. If enabled in your environment, you can also create patterns to share with others in your environment.

Patterns Catalog

The Patterns tab in Designer contains patterns created by users in your environment and the SnapLogic Cloud Patterns Catalog. Pattern pipelines are grouped by Project Spaces and Projects.


Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science, PCA is a dimension-reduction technique that can be used to reduce a large set of variables to a small set that still contains most of the information in the original set.


A chain of one or more Snaps linked together in Designer to orchestrate a data flow between endpoints.

Pipeline Catalog

Enables you to access all the Pipelines available to you. Pipelines are grouped by Project Spaces and Projects.

Pipeline recommendation

A setting that enables Iris to suggest probable pipelines based on the existing pipelines from your Org to which you have access, Pattern pipelines from the SnapLogic Cloud Pattern Catalog, and synthesized pipelines.


A container for SnapLogic assets: Accounts, Files, Tasks, Pipelines, Snap Packs, Tables, Proxies, and Snaplexes.

Project Space

Contains projects for organizing and managing access to assets. A Project Space consists of one or more projects and contains a shared project to maintain assets shared between the projects of that Project Space.

Record linkage

The task of finding records that refer to the same entity across different data sources. Record linkage is necessary when joining data from different sources, based on entities that might not share a common identifier (such as a database key or URI).

Refresh token

A credential that SnapLogic uses to acquire a new access token after the expiration of an existing access token. The lifetime of a refresh token is longer than the lifetime of an access token.

Resumable pipeline

A pipeline that can be suspended when an endpoint fails during the processing of its documents. You can troubleshoot the suspended pipeline on the SnapLogic Dashboard and resume the pipeline when the endpoint is up again.

Scheduled Task

A configuration to execute pipelines on a fixed schedule.

Schema drift

Schema drift occurs when the same data exists in more than one repository and changes are made to one and not the others. For example, data can be loaded from a source into a cloud data warehouse (CDW) for analysis. Changes made to the source schema, such as addition or removal of a column or a data type change, must be detected and managed to keep the data synchronized in the CDW.


An AutoLink feature that indicates the confidence level of a match. For example, a score of 5 stars is a match in which the model has high confidence.

Score threshold

An AutoLink feature that filters suggestions based on the score.

Seed value

A numeric value that is used by the randomizer in identifying the set of a sampled or shuffled dataset in machine learning algorithms. Using the same seed value helps you generate the same sample or shuffling order.

Service account

An account to run Triggered Tasks with basic authentication. A Service account does not provide access to the SnapLogic user interface.


(SnapLogic DataBase Service) SnapLogic's internal storage implementation. A component of the SnapLogic control plane.


A file that contains the configuration details of a Snaplex node.


An object in the SnapLogic application that introspects the source and target and performs a single complete function, such as read, write, or act on data.

Snap Pack

A logical grouping of Snaps based on functionality or an application endpoint.

Snaps Catalog

The tab in SnapLogic Designer that contains the list of available Snaps and the version of the Snap Pack. The Snaps Catalog also enables you to search for Snaps.


The data processing engine of the SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform (IIP). A Snaplex can be deployed as multiple services. Cloudplex Snaplexes are managed by SnapLogic. Groundplex Snaplexes are managed by your organizaton.

Snaplex Dashboard

A tab in SnapLogic Dashboard that displays Snaplex statistics.

Snaplex Slot

An abstraction used to quantify the resource requirements/usage for a Pipeline. Each Snap in a Pipeline consumes a slot during execution and each slot is a running thread on a Snaplex node.

Snaplex URL

Similar to the Alternate URL, the Snaplex URL can trigger a task to execute on a Groundplex. The Snaplex URL ignores the Task's configured Snaplex and instead executes on the Snaplex that receives the request.

SnapLogic AutoSync

A SnapLogic application that enables business users to quickly move data between endpoints. Learn more.


SnapLogic Cloud Pattern Catalog

An library of pipeline patterns built and maintained by SnapLogic, a subset of the Public pattern library. Available from the Patterns tab in Designer.

SnapLogic Dashboard

The IIP reporting interface that provides information on pipeline runs, Snaplexes and their nodes. Dashboard will soon be replaced by Monitor.


SnapLogic Data Science

A self-service SnapLogic platform for end-to-end machine learning that offers a low-code approach to data acquisition, data exploration and preparation, and model training and validation.

SnapLogic Designer

The IIP interface for developing and testing pipelines. To create pipelines select Snaps from the available Snap Packs or start from a Pipeline Pattern.

SnapLogic Integration Nation

The SnapLogic community forum.

SnapLogic expressions

Used in Snaps to manipulate data. In Standard mode, the expressions are based on a subset of JavaScript.

SnapLogic Manager

The IIP administration console to manage users, groups, projects, assets, security settings, and view the account and Snap statistics.


SnapLogic Platform

The apps that you use to create, deploy, and monitor integrations and the runtime environment that executes integrations.


(Secure Network Communications) A proprietary security mechanism that SAP has developed to integrate SAP NetWeaver Single Sign-On or an external security product with SAP systems. With SNC, you receive application-level, end-to-end security. All communication that takes place between two SNC-protected components is secured (for example, between the SAP GUI for Windows and the application server). Learn more about Secure Network Communications (SNC) in the SAP Help Portal for more information.

SQL Expressions

A combination of one or more values, operators, and SQL functions that evaluate to a value.

Stable Snaps

An environment setting that uses the most stable set of Snaps as recommended by SnapLogic. Latest Snaps might or might not work properly immediately after a release. For example, for a production environment (Org), you might choose Stable Snaps to ensure everything works as expected. But you might configure a developer environment to always have the Latest Snaps to test new features.

Standard Mode Pipeline

The default Pipeline type. All regular Snaps can be used in this Pipeline.

Stratified sampling

A machine learning sampling technique that results in the same number of data points from each group. For example, if we have 100 people from 10 countries, and we implement stratified sampling at 10%, the result will contain one person from each country.

Subscription feature

SnapLogic features that you can enable per Environment by contacting your SnapLogic representative. Subscription features include, for example, Native API Manager, Resumable Pipelines, Ultra Pipeline Tasks, Enhanced Account Encryption, Secrets Management, and the Git Integration.

Supervised learning

Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science, supervised learning infers a function from labeled training data. The training data consists of a set of training examples.

Suspended pipeline

A resumable pipeline whose endpoint has failed or is offline.

Synthesized pipeline

A pipeline generated using pipeline metadata and existing Snaps on the Canvas. Iris provides synthesized pipelines as a part of the list of suggested pipelines provided by the Pipeline Recommendation feature.


A type of Asset that you can create in Classic Manager or through a pipeline with the Catalog Insert Snap. Use this Asset to collect metadata and schema information about the source data being run through your pipelines. You can modify this data by editing your Tables in Manager.

Triggered Task

A method to execute your pipelines through an HTTP request. You can also feed input data into a pipeline and receive the output using an HTTP request.

Ultra Task

Enables a pipeline to continously consume and process documents. A FeedMaster node distributes documents to available JCC nodes and queues them in order when all nodes are busy. The pipeline must meet certain requirements such as having only one input and one output document.

Unsupervised learning

Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science, it is a technique in which you can draw inferences from datasets consisting of data without labeled responses.

Upstream Snap

The preceding Snap of any given Snap in a Pipeline. The output of the upstream Snap is the input of the given Snap.

Validate pipeline

A pipeline operation that partially executes the pipeline. In Read-type Snaps such as MySQL Select, a preview dataset is also generated. The maximum number of records in a preview dataset is 50. Whether validation is enabled and the number of preview records is configurable by the Environment admin. This mode of execution does not impact endpoints but is useful in ensuring that a pipeline is configured correctly.


Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science, variance indicates how spread out the data (numbers) is in a dataset. In simple terms, variance represents the distribution of data in a dataset.

Virtual columns

Columns in a table whose values are generated based on a formula are virtual columns.

Weighted stratified sampling

Applicable to SnapLogic Data Science, it is a sampling technique similar to stratified sampling, except that the ratio of data points per group is maintained.