Setup Tableau Hyper Lib

The Tableau Hyper is Tableau's in-memory data engine technology optimized for fast data load and analytical query processing on large or complex data sets. In Tableau 10.25, new extracts use the .hyper format.
Note: The Tableau Hyper lib setup must be done in Groundplex, as it is not compatible with pipelines running in Cloudplex.
  • Download the Hyper API files for your operating system (Windows, Mac, and Linux) using this link.
  • Unzip the Tableau package and place the native Hyper API library in a directory or folder accessible by the Java application.
  • Move the lib/hyper to a specific directory in the JCC node and set the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS variable.

        | |--hyperdstarter
        | |--hyperd

If you move the lib/hyper to /home directory, then you must set TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS using either of the following methods:


  1. Export the TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS = "/home/lib" and execute the command.
  2. Echo $TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS should display /home/lib.
    Note: Provide the Snap user with Read and Write access to the folder /home/lib, including its content and subfolders.
  3. Restart the JCC and validate the tableau hyper-related pipeline.
    Important: Ensure that you follow the above steps each time you restart the JCC.


  1. Edit /etc/environment file and add TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS = "/home/lib".
  2. Echo $TABLEAU_HYPER_LIBS should display /home/lib.
    Note: Provide the Snap user with Read and Write access to the folder /home/lib, including its content and subfolders.
  3. Restart the JCC and validate the tableau hyper-related pipeline.