User and Group APIs

User and Group APIs allow you to manage users and groups in your Environment/Org.

User Management APIs
POST /users creates a user.
GET /users/{email} retrieves the user record associated with the specified email address.
PUT /users/{email} updates the user record associated with the specified email address.
DELETE /users/{email} deletes the user record associated with the specified email address.
PUT /users/<email>/org/<organization> adds and sends an email notification when an existing user is added to an Env/Org.
Group Management APIs
POST /groups creates a group.
GET /groups/{env_org} retrieves the list of groups in an Environment/Org.
GET /groups/{env_org}/{groupname} retrieves information about the specified group.
PATCH /groups/{env_org}/{groupname} adds or removes users from the specified group.
PUT /groups/{env_org}/{groupname} replaces the member list of the group.
DELETE /groups/{env_org}/{groupname} deletes the group from the Environment/Org.