
Environment admins (formerly Org admins) configure:

  • AutoSync users and their permissions from Admin Manager or AutoSync Manager in Classic Manager.
  • Connection configuration for data pipeline endpoints, either by creating credentials in AutoSync or Account assets in Classic Manager or Designer.
  • User groups to share connection configuration from Admin Manager or AutoSync Manager in Classic Manager.
Attention: If your organization is subscribed to AutoSync but users can't access it or are redirected to the SnapLogic website, edit their user account. Under App & API access, select AutoSync.

Administrative tasks include:

As an Org admin, when you add a user to AutoSync, the SnapLogic Platform creates a space where the system stores their data pipelines, credentials, and Accounts. Select AutoSync Manager from the left navigation pane to view AutoSync User spaces:

Use the tabs on the AutoSync Manager page as follows:

  • Click a name in the User spaces list to view assets associated with the user. The user space opens:
    • The Data pipelines tab lists AutoSync data pipelines created by the user.
    • The Accounts and credentials tab lists Accounts the user created in the IIP and credentials they created in AutoSync.
    • The Permissions tab lists the permissions associated with their user space.
      Click AutoSync Manager to return to the main page.
      AutoSync Manager breadcrumb

  • Click the User Groups tab to create or modify a user group. You can also:
    • Click a group to view the Accounts and credentials associated with that group. From the Accounts and credentials tab, you can:
      • Click an existing Account or credential to modify it.
      • Click add to create a new Account.
  • Click the Permissions tab to view and edit permissions for a user or a user group.